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Tips to Making a Great Playlist

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Perfect PlaylistWhen you’re hosting a party, whether it be a backyard BBQ or a summer wedding, music is one of the great ways to get everyone in the right mood. A great music playlist can elevate your party to a new level of fun and style. For that reason it is important that you pay special attention to creating the right playlist for the party.

The first step to creating your playlist is to determine the overall mood that you want to create. Relaxed and chill? Festive? Dance party? Nostalgic? The mood of the event will go a long way in guiding you in your song selections.

A few weeks before your party is scheduled to happen, it’s a good idea to ask your guests what some of their favorite songs are. You can do this through a more formal method, like an email or through a Facebook message, or you can simply bring it up in casual conversation. Guests will be delighted when their favorite songs are featured throughout the evening.

Make sure that you take the different stages of the party into consideration. Usually the beginning of any party has a more relaxed feel as people are starting to gather and get acquainted. Pick music that inspires them to socialize with each other, keeping it at a low level that encourages conversation. This is, of course, unless you are planning a dance party and want people to move immediately to the dance floor.

All good playlists are a mix of popular, recognizable tunes and new music. Don’t be afraid to mix eras and genres as long as they are in line with your overall mood. Variety is a good quality in any playlist.

Get inspired. Check out Billboard charts, or see what is currently playing on the radio. Check out playlist websites such as Pandora or Spotify to see what type of songs they are featuring under certain types of playlists.

Don’t forget the dance music. Up-tempo and dance inspiring music will bring a festive, party feel to any event. Start it off with a well-known dance piece and then follow it up with several upbeat numbers in a row to build the energy in the room.

Once you have the perfect playlist, make sure that you have the proper equipment that will make it shine. Quality speakers are important in making sure that you your music comes through at the right level and with perfect clarity. Renting speakers from a local party or event rental company can be a great way to make sure that your speakers will allow your playlist to create the perfect mood for your party.

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